Human capital management transformation
Turn your workforce challenges into competitive advantages by supporting, managing, and developing your most important resource — your people.
human capital management
Invest in your people with end-to-end HCM transformation
From rapid advancements in technology to shifts in workforce dynamics, the future of work is constantly changing. To keep up, organizations must reimagine and redesign their processes, technologies, and strategies for recruiting, hiring, training, developing, managing, and retaining employees.
Our human capital management consulting solutions cover the three elements essential to success:
Strategy and Governance
Align your HCM strategies and operations with your business objectives while ensuring compliance, transparency, and accountability.
HCM Program Management & Leadership
Whether you need solutions for HR, payroll, or talent management, AXIA provides the leadership and skills to make your cloud-based implementation a success.
Customized, people-centric HCM solutions
At AXIA, we do HCM differently, taking a strategic approach to help organizations maximize the value of their human capital, improve organizational performance, and achieve strategic business objectives.
Based on your unique goals, our consultants will help you optimize your processes, technologies, and strategies around:
- Recruiting and onboarding
- Time and attendance management
- Benefits and retirement services
- Talent and performance management
- Reporting and analytics
- Employee self-service tools
- Workforce management

Industry-specific consulting expertise
Financial Services
Construction & Engineering
Our HCM experts

Fanya O'Donoghue
Director, Organizational Change Management

Mukil Khandelwal
Managing Director, Oracle Practice

Tony Kopyar
AXIA Insights

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Case study option 2
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AXIA Insights